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  • Products/Services
    IPN offers the products and services that members need

    Provider Panel

    IPN’s network includes facilities and providers representing a wide range of practice areas including medical, behavioral health, and vision. Services are available throughout Idaho, Baker and Malheur Counties, Oregon, and Asotin County, Washington. Insurance companies, employers, and other payors may access IPN services through a managed care benefit plan. IPN's contracted payors receive updates to provider participation information on a weekly basis as well as a full roster of all active providers. 

    Claims Repricing

    With EDI Direct Connect, Payors can transmit batched claims in ANSI 837 format to secure FTP sites and receive IPN repricing information on a returned file within 24 hours. This process reduces the time required to reprice claims and saves resources. In addition, IPN can provide a Payor with access to an online repricing system to manually enter claims and receive repricing instantly. The IPN Payor Relations Representative can help determine the best option(s) for claim repricing.

    Provider Directory

    IPN’s online Provider Directory is updated on a weekly basis and contains the provider’s contact information, specialty and location. Prospective patients can search the online directory by name, location or specialty and filtered by gender or language spoken.

    Access Fees

    IPN offers two access fee structures: (1) Per Employee Per Month (PEPM); or (2) Percent of Savings (POS). Fees are determined by factors such as number of employees and benefit differentials.            


    IPN provides the following reports: Geo Access, Disruption, Network Comparison & Claim Repricing to help insurance companies, third party administrators and employers determine if accessing IPN would be beneficial.